The Waste To Energy (WTE) market is experiencing sustained growth. The circular economy is creating more and more new growth opportunities in the sector of energy production from all types of waste. This is largely due to the 2020 targets of most countries for renewables, and incentives to increase energy efficiency. For this reason, waste management, modernization of waste-based energy production sites, R&D in the sector of this type of energy production, are all areas that are attracting the attention of a growing number of public companies (healthcare sector, municipalities, etc.) as well as private companies (industries of all types, the agri-food sector, agriculture, etc.).
The systems using incineration dominate the market in terms of revenue and the number of sites installed. This trend is due to the high maturity of this technology as well as its long lifetime, flexibility and cost efficiency.
INFIGROUP, leader in waste treatment with combustion technologies, brings you a whole range of equipment dedicated to all types of waste. The waste can be of any kind and can come from a wide variety of origins. For each of your projects, you will have a wide choice of equipment and all our support to define the most optimized solution for your project. You will also have the possibility to choose the right solution for the recovery of the heat produced by the combustion of the waste (WTE).
Environement is our priority
All our SOLUTIONS are fully CE certified, proof that we meet the highest standards in terms of health, safety, and environmental issues. INFIGROUP is committed to sustainability and continues to develop the cleanest best SOLUTIONS for waste management.
Totally aware of the environmental aspects, and of the challenges to come for a sustainable management and treatment of waste, our smart SOLUTIONS provide a response to the current and future needs of renewable energy, by valuing the heat of combustion in renewable energies, such as:
- Generate electricity. The heat of combustion feeds steam turbines or ORCs, which will produce electricity for domestic, industrial, self-consumption applications or for resale on the local or national network.
- Produce cold. The heat of combustion is then used in absorption cold units, which will supply cold for air conditioning, food storage sheds, industrial cold, etc.
- Provide heat. The heat of combustion is adjusted in temperature for domestic heating, for drying and dehydration processes, for food applications, etc.
It is possible to supply one of these energies for a given application, or several of these energies simultaneously, for several applications at the same time.
Maximizing the optimization of all the heat resources of our equipment, has a positive impact on :
- Respect for the environment, being less dependent on fossil fuels
- Improve finances, by increasing the customer's share of self-consumption, and therefore reducing their bill for energy purchases
- Optimize the technical solutions implemented, by improving their energy balance
Our SOLUTIONS are compatible with the basis of the 3R ethical approach applied to waste treatment :

We commit to work with you to find the best optimized global SOLUTION to your projects, from the treatment of your waste, to the filtration of emissions, and the production of renewable and free energy.
Role / Rules / Will
INFIGROUP's ROLE is to provide you with SOLUTIONS for waste management and treatment combined with renewable energy sources.
This will is the result of concerns about the environment. Ignoring pollution of any kind and its consequences should be considered a crime today.
The results of our work lead us to have and to respect RULES. These are and will be the essence of our inspirations and creations.
There is one that we want to respect: the basis of the 3R ethical approach applied to the experimentation of waste treatment:
INFIGROUP's WILL is to bring you a SOLUTION for the production of renewable and free energy.
INFIGROUP's OBLIGATION is to provide you with a SOLUTION that complies with the current standards on emissions and atmospheric discharges.